Nothing disappears

All waste must be managed.
participate in circular economy by supporting sustainable waste creations.

contribute to sustainable solutions

What is circular economy?

Our planet’s resources are limited. Circular economy is a shift away from the traditional, linear model of take-use-discard toward a more sustainable society. When we embrace circular economy, we decrease new resource consumption and minimize waste by reincorporating used materials back into the production cycle.

What happens to Event Banners?

Events are celebrations meant to have positive impacts on society. But the waste left behind is far from something to celebrate. Currently, vinyl advertising banners cannot be recycled and almost always wind up in our incinerator, adding to problematic waste. For this we have a more sustainable solution.

Our upcycled creations

We create products from repurposed textiles and vinyl street posters by collaborating with individuals and companies interested in finding sustainable waste solutions. Every product is uniquely designed to find a new use from an existing resource. We also provide workshops centered around sustainability and conscious consumerism.